Thursday, July 26, 2012

Outfit Post // Comfortably Cool Summer Day

If you weren't already aware, Autumn is my favorite. There are things that I like about each of the seasons, but if push came to shove and I had to choose just one, Autumn would be it. The days begin to get cooler, and there is that warm squishy feeling that comes with the approaching holiday season. And you can begin to listen to Christmas music without people thinking you're a bit soft in the head. 

Plus during the fall, it isn't as much work to keep up with the yard and garden. As you can see, we've gotten a little behind; before you know it we'll have our very own "secret garden" look. The Black-eyed Susans need thinning, the rose needs to be trellised, and the Euonymis needs pruning... and that's just this section of the garden! Thankfully Sean did the edging again. Whew! This is real life, and it just isn't perfect, let's be honest. Haha!

While Autumn is still two months away, there was a whole day and a half this past weekend that was cool enough to make the excuse to wear a cardigan. That made me one happy lady. I did wear my sandals though. It is still Summer after all.

Of course it wasn't long until we were back to the intense temperatures that we've been experiencing this year. I can't say how much I enjoyed the wee break in the heat. It was beautiful!

cardigan: Banana Republic | shirt: Gap | denim: Banana Republic 
sandals: Saltwater | necklace: Pretties by Meg


  1. when we are in maine next week, it's going to be in the low 70s!! it's going to feel like fall compared to the high temps we've had here this summer! will definitely be wearing jeans & cardis :)

    thanks again for featuring my necklace in your post :)

  2. The cool weather was beautiful, but you ARE beautiful my darling daughter.

