Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wee Felt Succulents for Your Hair.

A few years ago my mom gave me a dozen or so tiny Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum) to stick in some of my outdoor planters. They grew like crazy and the containers couldn't, well, contain them anymore. The chicks are super easy to pluck out since their root systems are shallow, so I transplanted a few in the front garden area. It's unreal how big some of them are getting, and how much they are spreading! They add such a lovely layer to the garden. 

While I was out tending the garden the other day I was thinking how nice it would be to stick a few of the smaller ones in my hair. I'm not sure what the logistics of that would be, so I decided to take on the challenge of creating a small succulent hair pin. It can be a bit tough to create something sturdy but not too thick for stitching when the final product is on the small side. My main goal was to create a pattern with some dimension to it, and after some stitching and stitch-ripping and some more stitching, they were ready. These sweet pins are now available in the shop! I'm hoping to build on this idea and create more succulents, so stay tuned!

// Please remember that these designs are my original work and may not be copied or reproduced without my express permission.


  1. You had me at wee succulents - love this design!

  2. Such a cute idea Faith! That's awesome that your succulents have taken off like that!
