Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two Spots Around the House.

There are a couple of spots around the house that are making me smile lately. I'm in the process of seriously decorating on a strict budget (finally, after we've been in this house for 5 years), so things are still being switched up. There is a bookcase on the way from Target next week that will help to get things more settled and organized in our small living space (we have this particular bookcase in the 5 shelf already and we are really pleased with them). We're also hoping to get a hand-me-down day bed from my parent's this Spring that is destined for the girls' room.

Did you ever have a suitcase like this when you were little? My mom dug this out of the attic for me; it was one of my favorite things when I was growing up. Right now it is sitting on top of a wee dresser my mom was getting rid of. The dresser needs a bit of work, but it's clean and functional for now. 

The suitcase stays open and stores the girls' play jewelry and dress up crowns. I always smile when I see it.  

The other spot that I'm loving is the new-ish shelf above my desk. The driftwood photo hanger probably won't be staying there permanently, as it is too high above eye level. Red Riding Hood and the Wolf are about to go in storage while they wait for their new home, but I've enjoyed their company for a couple of weeks. See that snow globe? That's the only thing I have ever purchased form Sax Fifth Avenue. 

What spots in your home make you smile?


  1. I live in a shared house with some friends so I have one chest that contains ALL of my crafty goods... fabrics and paints and sketchpads and ribbons... It makes me feel just the same way as my princess dressing up suitcase did when I was a little girl. These little areas in your house are so sweet, I love your photo display!

  2. That is so sweet that you could pass that suitcase on to your little ones. It's a really special thing for them to have :) I remember we had one just like that - it was red. I wish we had hung onto it!

  3. Such pretty little spaces - thanks for sharing.
