Nine Years of that Perfect Imperfection.
Nine years ago today, I said "I do" to the best friend I ever had. Whenever someone's anniversary rolls around I always see posts saying something like, "It's been five years of complete, total , and utter bliss! I love you so-and-so!" And I think to myself, are you for real? Neither my husband or myself are perfect. We've certainly had our rough spots. But we also have God's grace in our lives. So while I can't say that it's been nine years of perfect happiness, I can say that we've grown, as individuals and as a couple, and I do love my husband more today than I did last year. And I expect to love him even more next year than I do right now.
You were a beautiful bride! Congratulations, thanks for your honesty - it's true, marriage is not perfect! (But I wouldn't trade it!)