Monday, November 1, 2010

Lumpy Little Pumpkins.

With all of the busyness that life as mommy to three little ones entails, I don't often feel the urge to get crafty just for me. I may crave some quiet time to work on new designs for the shop, but I rarely have the energy to learn a new skill. One of the things I've been wanting to make are those cute little fabric pumpkins, and yesterday I was feeling especially crafty and festive at the same time.

Using left-over fabric from the quilt I made years ago (pictured above), I crafted three little lumpy companions. For a starting point I referenced this tutorial. I think that yarn may be a better alternative to embroidery floss when cinching the ridges, but I was impatient to start and didn't have yarn in any suitable colors.

I can definitely use some practice, but I found making these little guys an enjoyable way to spend a few hours on a Sunday afternoon.

For those who have a soft spot for small and squishy pumpkins, but are not craftily inclined, SeaPinks on Etsy 
carries the most darling pumpkins on the market (very affordable too!).


  1. I have a couple of Seapinks pumpkins and I adore them. I use one as a pincushion and the other comes out for Halloween. They are SUPER cute.

    I love your version too! Great job! <3

  2. Your pumpkins are super cute. I'm a firm believer in using what you have hanging about and how likely are you to find the exact right shade of yarn to match and then what would you have done with all the extra yarn?
